23/01/2025  22:59:10 Chg. +0.210 Volume Bid22:59:10 Demandez à22:59:10 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
28.310EUR +0.75% -
Chiffrre d'affaires: -
28.310Bid taille: - 28.390Ask la taille: - 22.66 Mrd.EUR 3.20% -

Description de l'entreprise

The Vonovia SE is one of the leading housing companies in Europe. As a modern service provider, Vonovia focuses on customer orientation and tenant satisfaction. Vonovia currently has around 548,400 residential units in all attractive cities and regions in Germany, Sweden and Austria. It also manages around 70,600 apartments. Its portfolio is worth approximately € 91.2 billion.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Rolf Buch
Conseil d'administration
Philip Grosse, Arnd Fittkau, Daniel Riedl, Ruth Werhahn
Conseil de surveillance
Clara-Christina Streit, Vitus Eckert, Christian Ulbrich, Dr. Ariane Reinhart, Dr. Florian Funck, Dr. Ute Geipel-Faber, Hildegard Müller, Jürgen Fenk, Matthias Hünlein, Dr. Daniela Gerd tom Markotten

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Vonovia SE
Adresse: Universitätsstraße 133,D-44803 Bochum
Téléphone: +49-234-314-0
Fax: +49-234-314-888-4414
Courriel: info@vonovia.de
Internet: www.vonovia.de/
Industrie: Financial
Secteur: Real estate
Sous-secteur: Real estate
Fin de l'exercice financier: 31/12
Flotte libre: 55.79%
IPO date: 11/07/2013

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Rene Hoffmann
Téléphone IR: +49-234-314-1629
IR-Fax: +49-234-314-2995
E-mail IR: investorrelations@vonovia.de

Calendrier de l'entreprise

CW 12 | 19/03/2025 Annual Report
CW 19 | 07/05/2025 Interim Report 1st Quarter/3 Months
CW 22 | 28/05/2025 General Shareholder Meeting
CW 32 | 06/08/2025 Interim Report 2nd Quarter/6 Months
CW 45 | 05/11/2025 Interim Report 3rd Quarter/9 Months

Principaux actionnaires

other free float
Norges Bank
Black Rock
DWS Investment