24.01.2025  17:35:27 Zm. -0,080 Wolumen Bid17:40:00 Ask17:40:00 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
22,700EUR -0,35% 137 190
Obrót: 3,1 mln
22,420Wolumen Bid: 1 000 22,780Wolumen Ask: 100 1,5 mldEUR - 7,07

Opis działalności

Galapagos N.V. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company, specialized in the discovery and development of small molecule medicines with novel modes of action. Their pipeline comprises Phase 3, 2, 1, pre-clinical studies and discovery small-molecule and antibody programs in cystic fibrosis, inflammation, and other indications. Galapagos’ mission is to develop first-in-class medicines based on the discovery of novel targets. Using human primary cells and patient cells, the company discovers which proteins (‘targets’) play a key role in causing diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and fibrosis. Galapagos then aims to develop small molecules that inhibit these targets, restore the balance and thereby positively influence the course of the disease. This approach addresses the root cause of the disease rather than just treating the symptoms. The Galapagos group, including fee-for-service subsidiairy Fidelta, operating from its Mechelen, Belgium headquarters and facilities in The Netherlands, France and Croatia.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Dr. Paul Stoffels
Bart Filius, Michele Manto, Valeria Cnossen, Annelies Missotten
Rada nadzorcza
Paul Stoffels, Daniel O'Day, Peter Guenter, Dan G. Baker, Jérôme Contamine, Mary Kerr, Linda Higgins, Elisabeth Svanberg, Rajesh Parekh

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Galapagos N.V.
Adres: Generaal De Wittelaan L11 A3,BE-2800 Mechelen
Telefon: +32-15-342900
Fax: +32-15-342901
E-mail: rd@glpg.com
Internet: www.glpg.com
Przemysł: Biotechnologia
Sektor: Biotechnologia
Podsektor: Biotechnologia
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 67,03%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Elizabeth Goodwin
Telefon: -
Fax: -
E-mail: ir@glpg.com

Kalendarz korporacyjny

Tydz. 43 | 22.10.2025 Raport okresowy/3. kwartał

Główni akcjonariusze

EcoR1 Capital
Van Herk Investments