10.01.2025  12:24:51 Zm. +0,1000 Wolumen Bid12:24:57 Ask12:24:58 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
132,7500GBX +0,08% 874 785
Obrót(GBP): 1,16 mln
132,7000Wolumen Bid: 6 500 132,8000Wolumen Ask: 4 333 7,84 mldGBP - -

Opis działalności

Centrica plc is an integrated energy and service company operating predominately in the UK and North America. The company sources, generates, processes, trades and stores energy as well as supplies gas and electricity to millions of homes and businesses and offers a range of home energy solutions and low carbon products and services. Core retail brands of Centrica are: British Gas, Centrica, Bord Gáis Energy, Centrica Storage, Direct Energy and Dyno and Hive specialise in Plumbing, Heating and Drainage services. The company was established in 1997 following the demerger of Centrica from British Gas plc and is headquartered in Windsor Berkshire, UK.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Chris O’Shea
Russell O’Brien, Jill Shedden, Raj Roy
Rada nadzorcza
Kevin O’Byrne, Carol Arrowsmith, Chris O’Shea, Heidi Mottram, Chanderpreet Duggal, Amber Rudd, Nathan Bostock, Russell O’Brien, Philippe Boisseau, Jo Harlow, Sue Whalley

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Centrica plc
Adres: Millstream Maidenhead Road,UK-Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD
Telefon: +44-1753-494000
Fax: +44-1753-494001
E-mail: views@centrica.com
Internet: www.centrica.com
Przemysł: Energia i Usługi Komunalne
Sektor: Ropa i gaz
Podsektor: -
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: -
Data IPO: 25.10.2004

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Martyn Espley
Telefon: +44-1753-494900
Fax: +44-1753-494009
E-mail: ir@centrica.com