24/01/2025  15:16:10 Var. -0.140 Volume Denaro15:16:35 Lettera15:16:35 Capitalizzazione di mercato Dividend Y. Rapporto P/E
16.480EUR -0.84% 9,693
Fatturato: 161,675.047
16.480Quantità in denaro: 166 16.540Quantità in lettera: 300 2.29 bill.EUR - -

Descrizione business

IMMOFINANZ Group is one of the leading listed property companies in Europe. The company is included in the leading ATX index of the Vienna Stock Exchange as well as on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and has been in the real estate business for more than 20 years. Due to its experience the company is able to assess new developments realistically and master challenging tasks efficiently and professionally to the benefit of its shareholders.

Consiglio di amministrazione & Consiglio di sorveglianza

Consiglio di amministrazione
Radka Doehring, Pavel Měchura
Consiglio di sorveglianza
Miroslava Greštiaková, Martin Němeček, Martin Matula, Mag. (FH) Philipp Amadeus Obermair, Anton Weichselbaum MSc

Dati aziendali

Indirizzo: Wienerbergstraße 11,A-1100 Wien
Telefono: +43-1-88-090
Fax: -
E-mail: mail@immofinanz.com
Internet: www.immofinanz.at
Industria: Financial
Settore: Real estate
Sub settore: Real estate
Fine dell'anno finanziario: 31/12
Flottante libero: 63.80%
Data dell'IPO: 03/05/1999

Rapporti con gli investitori

Name: Bettina Schragl
IR telefono: +43-1-88-090-2290
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: investor@immofinanz.com

Company calendar

CW 22 | 28/05/2025 Interim Report 1st Quarter/3 Months
CW 35 | 28/08/2025 Interim Report 2nd Quarter/6 Months
CW 48 | 27/11/2025 Interim Report 3rd Quarter/9 Months

Principali azionisti

CPI Property Group
free float
Petrus Advisers LLP
treasury shares