09.01.2025  17:26:52 Изменение -2.950 Объем сделки Бид17:26:53 Предложение17:26:52 Рыночная капитализация Дивидендная доходность Коэффициент Цена/Доход
66.600EUR -4.24% 34,614
Оборот: 2.35 млн
66.550Величина цены спроса: 165 66.650Величина цены предложения: 79 4.93 млрдEUR 2.97% 15.19

Описание деятельности

Elia Group SA/NV is the Belgian transmission system operator, transmitting electricity efficiently, reliably and securely from producers to distribution system operators and major industrial users. The group is responsible for importing and exporting electricity from and to neighbouring countries. Elia Group SA/NV owns the entire Belgian very high voltage grid (150 to 380 kV) and some 94% (ownership and user rights) of the Belgian high-voltage grid (30 to 70 kV). The grid is a key link between electricity markets in northern and southern Europe. It also links Belgian producers and consumers. Belgium's recent investment in interconnection capacity with its neighbours makes it one of the most open and interconnected grids in Europe. Elia Group SA/NV has recently expanded its activities on a broader European level and, following its acquisition of the German TSO 50Hertz and in cooperation with Industry Funds Management (IFM), is now one of the top five transmission system operators in Europe.

Правление & Наблюдательный совет

Исполнительный директор
Chris Peeters
Catherine Vandenborre, Stefan Kapferer, Peter Michiels, Michael Freiherr Roeder von Diersburg
Наблюдательный совет
Bernard Gustin, Claude Grégoire, Geert Versnick

Данные компании

Имя: Elia Group NV/SA
Адрес: Boulevard de l'Empereur 20,BE-1000 Bruxelles
Телефон: -
Факс: -
E-mail: info@elia.be
Интернет: https://www.eliagroup.eu/
Индустрия: Energy & Utilities
Сектор: Energy Companies
Подсектор: Electric Utilities
Конец финансового года: 31.12
Акции в свободном обращении: 38.08%
Дата IPO: 20.06.2005

Связи с инвесторами

Имя: Yannick Dekoninck
IR телефон: +32 (0) 478 90 13 16
IR-факс: +32 (0) 478 90 13 16
IR e-mail: investor.relations@elia.be

Календарь компании

CW 10 | 07.03.2025 Report 4th Quarter
CW 16 | 18.04.2025 Annual Report
CW 21 | 20.05.2025 General Shareholder Meeting
CW 21 | 21.05.2025 Interim Report 1st Quarter/3 Months
CW 22 | 29.05.2025 Ex-Dividend

Основные акционеры

other free float
Katoen Natie Group
Belfius Insurance