24.01.2025  17:31:01 Zm. +7,80 Wolumen Bid20:24:18 Ask20:24:18 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
591,00CHF +1,34% 153 200
Obrót: 90,24 mln
-Wolumen Bid: 2 -Wolumen Ask: 14 44,01 mldCHF 0,68% 66,55

Opis działalności

Lonza is one of the world’s leading and most-trusted suppliers to the pharmaceutical, biotech and specialty ingredients markets. We harness science and technology to create products that support safer and healthier living and that enhance the overall quality of life. Not only is the company a custom manufacturer and developer, Lonza also offers services and products ranging from active pharmaceutical ingredients and stem-cell therapies to drinking water sanitizers, from the vitamin B3 compounds and organic personal care ingredients to agricultural products, and from industrial preservatives to microbial control solutions that combat dangerous viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, Lonza today is a well-respected global company with more than 40 major manufacturing and R&D facilities.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Wolfgang Wienand
Philippe Deecke, Gordon Bates, Jean-Christophe Hyvert, Maria Soler Nunez, Christian Seufert, Daniel Palmacci
Rada nadzorcza
Jean-Marc Huët, Juergen B. Steinemann, Angelica Kohlmann, Barbara M. Richmond, Christoph Mäder, Olivier Verscheure, Roger Nitsch, Marion Helmes

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Lonza Group AG
Adres: Münchensteinerstraße 38,Basel
Telefon: +41-61-31681-11
Fax: +41-61-31691-11
E-mail: info@lonza.com
Internet: www.lonzagroup.com/
Przemysł: Biotechnologia
Sektor: Biotechnologia
Podsektor: Biotechnologia
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 99,70%
Data IPO: 02.11.1999

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Lyle Wheeler
Telefon: +41 79 154 9522
Fax: -
E-mail: investor.relations@lonza.com

Kalendarz korporacyjny

Tydz. 5 | 29.01.2025 Report 4th Quarter
Tydz. 30 | 23.07.2025 Raport okresowy/2. kwartał

Główni akcjonariusze

BlackRock, Inc
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG